Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 3 - Riverside Christian Guatemala Trip

Day 3 began with our breakfast and a Bible study in the book of Romans.  Today we looked at verses 8-17 of Romans 1.  What an incredible passage – We need not be ashamed of the Gospel of Christ because IT is the power of God unto Salvation, and in IT the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith – because the righteous live by faith.  We had a wonderful conversation about what it means to bless others with our observations of their faith – as Paul does in verse 8.  We talked about what it means to live boldly in the Gospel.  I can’t think of a better way to start the day (with the exception of being with my wife – it would be nice if she could be here.)

After our discussion, we headed for Las Vistas. Boy do we have a lot of work to do.  We are putting in 2 retaining walls that will make it better for the kids play area.  It will require a lot of digging, picking, chopping, etc.  I am confident the group will be tired tonight.

The morning went off well, everyone was working and taking breaks as necessary.  Las Vistas is just a little over a mile above sea level, so working is a little more difficult.  Didn’t seem to affect the team much though as they got right to work.  Eventually the “recess” bell rang and there were kids all over the place (there are 400 children at Las Vistas).  We took our cue and dropped our tools and played with kids. 

I was able to spend some time with Ludsvin’s class – running around, taking pictures, laughing and playing.  Then, after they went back to class, I was able to hang out with the kids at the play ground and laugh with them as well.  The kids are adorable as always, but I really do wish I would learn Spanish – it really would make things a lot nicer.

For instance, Yolanda and Angelo have spent time talking with the workers, the staff, the kids – I really would like to be able to do that as well.  I know my principle responsibility is to the team, but I can’t help but long to have deeper conversations with the people here and share the love of God with my words as well as my actions.

We had the privilege of serving lunch to the children.  This was a highlight for many on the team.  They loved to hear the kids pray before they ate – they all pray together – and they wait until prayer is finished before even touching their food.  Some of the team members were asked to lead in prayer.  Rick prayed in Spanish!! (He knows very little, but he did a great job).  Angelo prayed in English – go figure (The kids asked him to pray in English).  Either way, everyone seemed to really love serving the children.

Then we had lunch – chicken with potato and vegetable, rice and lemonade, prepared by the kitchen staff here at Las Vistas.  I was a little nervous for the team at first, but Phil assured me that the food was good to eat and the lemonade was good to drink.  We will see…

After lunch we went back to work!  Much to do.  We worked hard all afternoon, and got much of the footer dug for the first wall.  I think with the help we have at the pace we are going, we might just finish the walls.  Again, we will see.  Regardless, I believe this team will be rewarded for the work they are doing and for the way they are loving each other well.

Dinner back at Thelmas – we had chicken and rice with vegetables.  Yeah, I know, get used to it.  Actually, as always, it was very good.  And so was the conversation after the meal.  We talked till almost 8:30 about church, about missions, about what God is doing in the hearts of the team members, about the children…  it just kept coming.  Eventually everyone had to wrap it up for the night.  They are hoping to get to bed at a good time.

Well, it’s 9:44 and I am hoping to talk with Dee again.  I really have been blessed to have a partner who empowers me to do what I do.  Enough for tonight – I am going to bed… 

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