Saturday, December 14, 2013

Bundles of Love - Guatemala - Day 7

What an amazing day – we had the privilege of seeing hundreds of the works from AMG all over the country.  At least 20 of the centers were represented.  We played soccer, went swimming, played games, talked with them…  Whatever we could do to encourage them and relate to them.  Jack even went down the big slide with the maintenance guys – into the very cold water of the pool.  I stayed out of the cold pools and spent some time in the warm pool and the hot tubs!

The people here love soccer, so we played a lot of soccer.  Ben beat himself up in goal, but he did an excellent job.  Jack scored a goal and now is ready to sign up for the Guatemalan National team J.  The scores were not kept, but the teams loved playing together.  It was very refreshing watching them play together.

At lunch time, everyone gathered at the main meeting place, and we ate chicken, rice and salad.  We handed out tickets for the drawing that was coming after the devotional time later.  By the time I got up to the line, they were out of chicken, so I ended up with a big plate of salad – not typically the best idea – and I hope I don’t pay for this tomorrow.

Anyway, the devotional time came and Alex shared, and then we had the opportunity to share.  Doug offered to say something, and while he was talking, Wayne asked me, “when is the next bundles trip?”, to which I replied, “ probably when Doug finishes talking.”  He really didn’t talk that long, but it was fun to tease him.  He shared about Claude Monet’s paintings and how the teachers/students were much like his art.  They are a bunch of various different people that together are very beautiful and they make a wonderful piece of art.  It was a great encouragement to them.

Finally we were handing out the prizes – DVD players, kitchen equipment, blankets, a bike, a tv, etc.  They cheered when people’s numbers were called.  I love to see their enthusiasm for others.  When everything was handed out, we were able to give a basket to everyone who attended and they headed for home.

Jose Luis made a special impression on the group as he shared his words of encouragement to us, and received from us the encouragements we had for him.  He is a unique and special man – God is using him in a mighty way.

By the time we got home, everyone was ready for dinner and bed.  I cannot believe it, but Ben was in bed asleep by 8:30.  Definitely not what I had expected.  It was a long a wonderful day – Tomorrow is shopping – and we all know how much I love that day…

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Bundles of Love - Guatemala - Day 6

Today was another great day.  The day started much like every other – breakfast, devotions, and then of to Patzicia Child Care Center.  This center has about 450 students, and wouldn’t you know, we got to see just about all of them.

The Bundle we gave this group was much different than the others.  Monday – Wednesday the bundle we handed out had backpacks, school supplies, clothing, shoes, etc.  Today, the bundle consisted of food – rice, cereal, drinks, oil, beans, etc.  It was about 20 lbs of supplies for the family.  Yes, it had a lunchbox/backpack in it as well, but man was it heavy!!  The team was saying that these people would eat well for quite some time!

The kids came from the smallest to the largest – many with their extended families and we took pictures of them.  Over and over again we looked and it seemed like the line was dying down, only to have someone get on the PA and the line grew again.

Lynne, Amber, Anna and Claire went through the crowd and gave all of the children bracelets, while Jack, Ben, Doug and Wayne handed out the bundles.  It was a lot of work!  I took over 500 pictures today.

When we finally handed out all of the bundles, we had lunch with the staff and the teachers.  Representatives from the church were there, most of the teachers were men (which surprised me), and the kitchen staff joined us for our meal as well.  It was a fun time of interaction as we talked and listened.  Lunch was 2 kabobs with chicken, peppers and onions on a plate of rice.  It was delicious.

Afterwards we headed to Camp Canaan where we were able to see Jose Luis and Orpha and take a quick tour of the camp.  I love this couple – they are amazing people!  Their ministry to the children is priceless!

We headed home and did our usual routine – rest a few minutes, eat dinner, and talk.  By 8:30 we had finished talking and we began working on our devotions and getting ready for bed.  Speaking of which, they are almost all asleep by 9:30 every night – even Ben.  Tonight we are up a little later, but Ben is already asleep.  I think the playing with the kids wears him out!

Tomorrow we will be interacting with over 200 staff, teachers and maintenance workers of AMG. It will be a great company picnic that we will be able to attend and encourage the workers.  I am really looking forward to it!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Bundles of Love - Guatemala - Day 5

This morning began rather early – waking up at 5 and eating breakfast by 6.  We had devotions after breakfast – we read the story of Eglon and Ehud (Ben was rather excited that we were finally out of GenesisJ), and then we headed off for Oratorio.

It took over 2 ½ hours to get there, and the ride was rather interesting.  The landscape was beautiful, the scenery was breathtaking, and once we got outside the city, the traffic finally settled down.  We almost were in an accident as a large dump truck pulled onto the road in front of us, and had we not stopped, we would have been hit.  Both Phil (our driver) and the truck stopped before we crashed, but because of the bus between us, neither knew what the other was going to do.  We didn’t get hit – so it really wasn’t a bad thing. 

However, about 10 minutes later, we watched as a gentleman carrying a box of some sort on his shoulder, stepped out into traffic and was hit by a pick up truck.  The truck was not going all that fast, but fast enough to send the man hurling to the ground a few feet away.  Instantly, cops and others ran to the man’s aide, so we didn’t stop.  We did however pray for him and the driver of the truck (as there was no way he could have know the man was coming).  It was sobering to think about.

Finally we arrived at Oratorio.  We were met by scores of kids as we were ushered into the main room set up with hundreds of chairs.  Kids were waiting for us, and while we waited for things to start, we interacted with the kids.  Doug and Lynne sat amongst the kids, Wayne found his sponsored child and sat with him, Ben mimicked the kids and team members to the delight of the kids, Jack seemed to enjoy smiling and interacting with the kids as well.  As is normal, I was mingling and making the kids wonder why I am so weird – they laughed, they told me their names, some asked questions, some even spoke English – it was fun to talk with them.

Eventually the presentation began – they did a quick skit with a little girl trying to sleep, and angel, an angry parent, and a scary kid in a mask – you’ll have to ask about the skit later – it was fun to watch.  Then the kids sang some songs as we listened.  Finally it was our turn to do something, and the group was still all over the room.  I sang “No Hay Dios”, and the kids joined in – I should have sung it with them twice, but I didn’t.  Then the team introduced themselves and gave a brief word.

After the presentation, we handed out bundles – one after another after another…  It was tiring.  There are 450 kids in the school, but many were not there.  I think we handed about 260 out before we finally called it quits.  We hugged kids, took pictures, laughed with them, encouraged them… much like we did the other days this week.  It was wonderful.

As the kids began leaving, Doug and Lynne and Wayne gave their gifts to their sponsored children and spent some time talking with them.  Eventually the Hanson’s kid left, and we all joined together for lunch – Wayne’s kid included.  We ate, listened to Gilberto’s testimony, and  talked.

After finishing lunch, some of the team did a house visit at Wayne’s kids home, and Jack, Ben and I played basketball with the teachers.  We had a lot of fun, and the rest of the team had a wonderful experience blessing the family they visited.  Overall, it was a great day!

After a LONG trip home, we arrived back at Thelma’s around 6:15, and got ready for dinner.  As we ate we discussed the things we saw, the things that we would like to see God do at the centers, and what part the group can play in making it happen.  Wayne wants to help them get a computer lab going at Oratorio, and the Hansons would love to see more vocational teaching happening there as well.  We will pray together towards these ends, and Phil will collect information and talk with the correct people about making it happen.

Well, that’s today – tomorrow is our final center. I know the team is excited to do it again tomorrow!!

Bundles of Love - Guatemala - Day 4

Day 2 of handing out bundles, and we are going to Alameda and La Florida.  So far we have seen a group of 850 kids, and a group of 250.  Today we have 210 and 160 kids respectively at the centers we are going to.  It is a lot of work for a small group of 6 team members, plus the Wilson group and Amber (our honorary team member).  But the team is ready to go!

We had breakfast, walked through our devotions (we studied the gift brought to Joseph by his brothers when they were wanting food and desired the return of Simeon), and we were on our way by 8:00 AM.

As we pulled up to Alameda, I remembered the last time I was here in 2009 with my son and wife.  It was my first bundles trip and my first time to Guatemala.  Now, it is my 15th time to Guatemala, but only my second time to this center.  The kids put on quite a show as they sang, danced, and reminded us of the glorious Christmas story.  The pictures and video we took is precious.  We had the opportunity to share with them as well, and I told them of one of my favorite pictures – the picture of Dee at Alameda, sitting in a very small chair with a little child sleeping on her lap.

We handed out bundles and took pictures.  Ben played with the kids on the play structure after we were finished.  Doug and Lynne were making balloons and they taught the teachers a game to teach the kids.  The rest of us played soccer, or just hung out with the teachers/students.

La Florida was our next center, and a beautiful center it was.  Located in a completely gated area of the community, La Florida has a fairly new building – just built in 2010.  With 160 students, it was very crowded.  It wasn’t a very large facility, but with 3 floors, I imagine the kids and the teachers can spread out a little.  The top floor is the play area, and from there you can see Las Vistas (another child care center).  While we were looking at it, I was told that Ludsvin, my sponsored child, was here.  I had the privilege of spending a couple hours with him.  We talked, played, I shared with him the gifts that my son and my family had sent.  He is always a joy to see.

The program started, and our team again introduced themselves.  Doug and Lynne tell the kids of their children and grand children.  Ben reminded the kids that God loves them and told them that some day we will be able to speak to them in the language of Heaven (which I told Phil is Greek – or at least that is what they tell me at AMG).  Wayne encouraged the kids, and Jack did as well, to know that they are loved by God.  The kids sang a few songs, and we started handing out bundles again.  After the bundles were handed out, we passed out candy, painted faces, played with kids… whatever we could to show them they are loved by God.

We returned home and had dinner with the Wilsons.  We played a few games, learned a few card tricks, and reflected on the day’s events.  This group is loving the opportunity that God has given them. 

Tomorrow is a long day in Oratorio – it starts early – and will go late.  It’ll be a great day!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Bundles of Love - Guatemala - Day 3

Our first day of handing out bundles, and the team is ready to go.  We started the morning with devotions in Genesis, wrestling with the gift that Jacob gave to Esau when they met on the road after 20 years.  We discussed our “faithlessness” like Jacobs – when we know what God has promised, but try to “hedge” our bets just in case.

We headed off to Verbana where we were supposed to start the day with a tour, but God had other plans.  We helped the maintenance guys unload a truck, got a “brief” description of the ministry of AMG from Phil, and then were ushered in to talk with the parents of the students.  After the brief time there, we went and handed out bundles.  One after another, we hugged kids, gave them their gifts, told them Jesus loved them, and “Feliz Navidad”. 

Diego, a young boy that my son helped 4 years ago, stopped by to see me, as I was giving bundles out in another classroom.  He waved, gave me a hug, and then smiled for a picture.  He always asks about my son – it is neat to see that an interaction so long ago still has a lasting impact.

Another young boy, Daniel, played with us as we were wrapping things up.  He brought his sister over to meet us, and then he climbed on team members, laughed with them, played with them.  He was a very cute little boy.

The rest of the time there was spent hearing the story of Betty, the director of the school, taking a walk through the cemetery toward the homes of the students and to get a “backside” view of the dump.  The view was overwhelming, as such beauty was surrounded by garbage and people who looked like ants working through the garbage looking for treasure.  We got a brief tour, and then we were off to Amparo – an AMG Child Care Center in the city.

We arrived just in time to see the kids sing a few songs, and then hear from parents about the ministry there at the school.  They shared how much they appreciated the sacrifice of the teachers, and the giving of the Padrinos (sponsors).  Doug shared from his heart and told the kids he loved them, and Jesus loved them even more.

From there we went and handed out bundles.  About 250 kids go to this school, and although all of them were not there, it sure seemed like it.  It was a blast handing out bundles, taking pictures, hugging kids, using the laser to keep them occupied while they waited, handing out candy, painting faces…  Whatever we could do to love on these kids, the team did – and they did well.

After the bundles were handed out, we were challenged to a game of soccer.  Teachers against us – Ben, Jack, Phil and I took on a slew of teachers and students.  No one scored, but we had a wonderful time.  The teachers loved it, and I know our team did too.  We shared some chocolates with them, some hugs and pictures with them, and we said, “hasta Viernes” (see you Friday!), because they are planning to go to the teacher party on Friday.  We are really looking forward to that!

Well, as we wrapped up the day, there was much discussion about the things they saw, and their impressions of the ministry of AMG to the Guatemalans.  God is doing amazing things, and we are humbled to be part of it.

Tomorrow is more of the same – 2 more centers – more bundles, more kids, more fun, more energy…  So for now – it is time for bed!  Hasta MaƱana!