Saturday, December 14, 2013

Bundles of Love - Guatemala - Day 7

What an amazing day – we had the privilege of seeing hundreds of the works from AMG all over the country.  At least 20 of the centers were represented.  We played soccer, went swimming, played games, talked with them…  Whatever we could do to encourage them and relate to them.  Jack even went down the big slide with the maintenance guys – into the very cold water of the pool.  I stayed out of the cold pools and spent some time in the warm pool and the hot tubs!

The people here love soccer, so we played a lot of soccer.  Ben beat himself up in goal, but he did an excellent job.  Jack scored a goal and now is ready to sign up for the Guatemalan National team J.  The scores were not kept, but the teams loved playing together.  It was very refreshing watching them play together.

At lunch time, everyone gathered at the main meeting place, and we ate chicken, rice and salad.  We handed out tickets for the drawing that was coming after the devotional time later.  By the time I got up to the line, they were out of chicken, so I ended up with a big plate of salad – not typically the best idea – and I hope I don’t pay for this tomorrow.

Anyway, the devotional time came and Alex shared, and then we had the opportunity to share.  Doug offered to say something, and while he was talking, Wayne asked me, “when is the next bundles trip?”, to which I replied, “ probably when Doug finishes talking.”  He really didn’t talk that long, but it was fun to tease him.  He shared about Claude Monet’s paintings and how the teachers/students were much like his art.  They are a bunch of various different people that together are very beautiful and they make a wonderful piece of art.  It was a great encouragement to them.

Finally we were handing out the prizes – DVD players, kitchen equipment, blankets, a bike, a tv, etc.  They cheered when people’s numbers were called.  I love to see their enthusiasm for others.  When everything was handed out, we were able to give a basket to everyone who attended and they headed for home.

Jose Luis made a special impression on the group as he shared his words of encouragement to us, and received from us the encouragements we had for him.  He is a unique and special man – God is using him in a mighty way.

By the time we got home, everyone was ready for dinner and bed.  I cannot believe it, but Ben was in bed asleep by 8:30.  Definitely not what I had expected.  It was a long a wonderful day – Tomorrow is shopping – and we all know how much I love that day…

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