Monday, December 9, 2013

Bundles of Love - Guatemala - Day 3

Our first day of handing out bundles, and the team is ready to go.  We started the morning with devotions in Genesis, wrestling with the gift that Jacob gave to Esau when they met on the road after 20 years.  We discussed our “faithlessness” like Jacobs – when we know what God has promised, but try to “hedge” our bets just in case.

We headed off to Verbana where we were supposed to start the day with a tour, but God had other plans.  We helped the maintenance guys unload a truck, got a “brief” description of the ministry of AMG from Phil, and then were ushered in to talk with the parents of the students.  After the brief time there, we went and handed out bundles.  One after another, we hugged kids, gave them their gifts, told them Jesus loved them, and “Feliz Navidad”. 

Diego, a young boy that my son helped 4 years ago, stopped by to see me, as I was giving bundles out in another classroom.  He waved, gave me a hug, and then smiled for a picture.  He always asks about my son – it is neat to see that an interaction so long ago still has a lasting impact.

Another young boy, Daniel, played with us as we were wrapping things up.  He brought his sister over to meet us, and then he climbed on team members, laughed with them, played with them.  He was a very cute little boy.

The rest of the time there was spent hearing the story of Betty, the director of the school, taking a walk through the cemetery toward the homes of the students and to get a “backside” view of the dump.  The view was overwhelming, as such beauty was surrounded by garbage and people who looked like ants working through the garbage looking for treasure.  We got a brief tour, and then we were off to Amparo – an AMG Child Care Center in the city.

We arrived just in time to see the kids sing a few songs, and then hear from parents about the ministry there at the school.  They shared how much they appreciated the sacrifice of the teachers, and the giving of the Padrinos (sponsors).  Doug shared from his heart and told the kids he loved them, and Jesus loved them even more.

From there we went and handed out bundles.  About 250 kids go to this school, and although all of them were not there, it sure seemed like it.  It was a blast handing out bundles, taking pictures, hugging kids, using the laser to keep them occupied while they waited, handing out candy, painting faces…  Whatever we could do to love on these kids, the team did – and they did well.

After the bundles were handed out, we were challenged to a game of soccer.  Teachers against us – Ben, Jack, Phil and I took on a slew of teachers and students.  No one scored, but we had a wonderful time.  The teachers loved it, and I know our team did too.  We shared some chocolates with them, some hugs and pictures with them, and we said, “hasta Viernes” (see you Friday!), because they are planning to go to the teacher party on Friday.  We are really looking forward to that!

Well, as we wrapped up the day, there was much discussion about the things they saw, and their impressions of the ministry of AMG to the Guatemalans.  God is doing amazing things, and we are humbled to be part of it.

Tomorrow is more of the same – 2 more centers – more bundles, more kids, more fun, more energy…  So for now – it is time for bed!  Hasta Mañana!

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