Sunday, December 8, 2013

Bundles of Love - Guatemala - Day 2

Oh, what a beautiful morning…  yes, waking up in Guatemala in December is nice.  No snow, no cold weather, no rain…  Just a beautiful morning.

The team started the day with our breakfast of ham and eggs, pancakes, and cantaloupe, followed by our devotions from Genesis 4 – the story of Cain and Abel’s offering (gift) for God.  We will be talking about various gifts this week, as we will be handing out gifts throughout the week.

We headed off for church around 9:30.  The church we went to was a new church plant meeting at CGA.  Abby Wilson was part of the worship team, and the music was loud.  Doug actually had ear plugs in – and I think a few others wished they could have them too.  The pastor spoke about the song “Come, Let Us Adore Him” and encouraged us as we look toward Christmas to take time to adore Christ. 

Afternoon was filled with lunch and a trip to the city dump.  Because it was Sunday, there weren’t very many people there, but the team took pictures and stood and asked questions about the cemetery and the dump.  Even without the visual of all of the people there, it still was a humbling and touching experience for all of us.

We had a wonderful time this evening after dinner watching “bridge to life” – the story of AMG’s ministry here in Guatemala and “Reparando” – the story of Shorty and Tia’s ministry to the homeless and drug addicted here in Guatemala.  We stayed up till about 9:30 talking about the movie and other thoughts  about ministry, family, work, giving…  It was a wonderful time of relating together as a group.

Ben has been a real joy as he has connected well with the Wilson kids.  They love playing cards with him, and it seems he likes it too.  I know he is looking forward to tomorrow – we are going to Verbana (the main campus) and another child care center tomorrow.  He is chomping at the bit to work with the kids.
Tomorrow is going to be a great day as we get the “broader” view of AMG Guatemala’s mission here, and as we begin preparing and delivering bundles. 

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