Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Northampton Presbyterian Mission Trip - Day 5

It is our final day in Huaraz, and the gang was us and running before 7.  Breakfast wasn’t until 8, but we needed to get our laundry together and pack our bags to move them out of the rooms.  I was impressed that everyone was up and energetic, ready to go for another day of ministry.

We had breakfast, spent a little time finalizing our packing, and then met to discuss our devotions.  We are still in the first chapter of James, but it has been a good study so far.  Jeremy asked the team to share some of the difficulties they have in being a good hearer and following God’s plan versus doing their own thing.  One by one the team shared some of the difficulties they experience in setting their own directions aside and being willing to follow God whole heartedly.  It was a great time of sharing, and was great preparation for the day’s ministry.

By 10:00, we were on our way to the child care center.  We walked about 10 blocks to the church/child care center.  When we arrived, most of the kids were already there, and most were working on completing the books that they had received 3 weeks ago.  The team practiced some songs, and Anthony and Kevin prepared to share their testimonies.  After a short while, the team presented the songs, the testimony, and then we gave the children their certificates and a candy bar for completing their books.  We took pictures of all of the kids with their certificates – they seemed happy to have received them.  We had about 30 minutes before we served lunch, so the team spread out amongst the kids and played games, talked, showed pictures, and basically built relationships with the kids.  Eventually we fed them lunch and they headed off to school.

The team took a break and ate some food, and then round two came in.  The younger kids entered the center full of energy and enthusiasm.  The team was chasing kids, playing ball with kids, laughing and playing with the kids.  Juliann was crawling under the tables.  They were everywhere.  The kids loved it, but we had to settle them down for lunch.  The team served lunch and then sat with the kids as they ate.  Chicken and rice with potato – it was a nice amount of food. 

After lunch, the some of the team took kids downstairs and outside while others stayed inside to play.  We spent about an hour and a half just playing ball, playing games, and loving on the kids.  The rain storm was beginning to move in, so we moved the activity back inside.  The time for passing out the certificates approached, so the kids sang their songs, shared their testimonies, and then we handed out the certificates and the candy.  The kids were very happy to have received the certificates.  I pray that the information they put in their books about the stories in the Bible stays with them for a long time.

We left the center and headed back for the hotel.  On the way, there was a truck stuck in a drain, so we went over and helped pick the truck up out of the drain.  When we arrived back at the hotel, we sat around and talked about the day, and then Jeremy asked the kids how the plans they had for the trip were being fulfilled or had been changed.  Each of the kids shared a little about what they were learning and how it differed from what they had expected.  I told them that I was looking forward to giving them their “letter to God” that they wrote back in February.  I pray they are encouraged by what they read.

After our "meeting" the team broke up to relax, play some ping-pong, work out, talk on their phones/computers, etc.  It was a well deserved break, and with a long night coming up, they needed it.

The plan for tonight is simple, dinner at 8 with Pastors Fausto, Andres and Erick, and Solidad (the director at Huaraz).  We will eat with their families and then ask them to share a little about their ministry.  As they do, we will also ask for items that we can be praying for on their behalf.  It is my desire that the team go back home and share with their family and friends and their church family the passions of these men (and Solidad) and that they will remember them in prayer. 

After dinner we will load up and head for the bus station.  We have an 8 hour ride to Lima from 11:00 PM to 7:00 AM.  The bus is designed for full horizontal laying down, so I pray that the team sleeps well as we travel.

Tomorrow is another day of ministry at the Buen Pastor Child Care Center in Lima. 

Thought for the day:  I have been trying to learn Spanish for a while now, and it I just don’t seem to be able to store enough information to be effective in communication.  How painful it is for me to try to talk with the kids, but even more painful is the look in their eyes when they are trying to communicate with me.  I look at their faces full of hope and excitement, and I get so frustrated because I cannot talk in their language.

How thankful I am that I have a God who did not keep from me the ability to communicate with Him.  God has made a way to talk with Him and to be able to share my hopes, dreams, fears and anxieties.  He does not look at me with a blank stare or a confused face when I talk with Him, but rather, my babble is clarified by His Spirit, and I am understood by the God of this universe.  What a humbling thought – God understands me, God listens to me, God wants me to talk with Him.

Well, there is no excuse to stop trying to learn Spanish, so I will continue to do so.  But in the mean time, I thank God for those who are bi-lingual that allow me to minister to these children and workers.  Thank you God!

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