Friday, March 8, 2013

Cedarville University Peru Trip - Day 7

As we started the final day of ministry here in Peru, the team was a little groggy and some were not feeling well.  We got up and went to the church for breakfast and talked through the remainder of chapter 2 in James.  James tells us that faith without works is dead, and our challenge for the day was to make sure our works were based in faith – not in our own strength and ability.

We headed off for the center, and traffic was light – which made driving easier, but also kept the car a little cooler.  We stopped off at Metro (a Walmart type store) to purchase more water and powerade for the day.  Staying hydrated is a little difficult when the temperatures are so high and we are so active. 

The center was full of children when we arrived, and we went right to work.  The kids mingled for a little bit with all of the children, and then we did the dramas that we have been doing all week.  The kids were young – maybe 4-10, and they really seemed to like being involved in doing the dramas.  We followed that with handing out the books for the kids to work on, and the kids began coloring and writing in them.

We served lunch, and sent the kids on their way to school.  Some of the team took time for lunch while others were visiting with the older kids that were arriving.  After about 30 minutes or so, the team had all eaten, and most of the kids that were coming had arrived.  Apparently 2 of the grades at the high school had to stay to help clean, so we missed some of the kids.

We ran our regular program and then gave the kids the booklets.  Again they loved working in them.  I pray that 3 weeks from now many of them will have them finished.

We spent much of the rest of the afternoon playing Frisbee, American football and soccer outside, while others worked on a puzzle inside.  The group did a great job of connecting with the kids wherever they could in whatever capacity best related to the kids they were interacting with.

We headed back to the hotel, got cleaned up for dinner and headed to the “chicken place” as Jose calls it.  He loves the food in this restaurant, so we all had dinner together there.  Noah was not feeling well, so I took him back to the hotel.  I pray this will be a short illness – much like Levi’s was yesterday (gone today!).  We followed dinner with some ice cream and said goodbye to the Apon family.

The evening was wrapped up with a game of Rage.  It was a good day.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:  Red lights, painted lines, and speed limit signs – what do they all have in common?  In Peru they don’t mean anything J.  I was driving today and the thought occurred to me – why do they even waste any time on painting lines?  They really don’t seem to matter.  Red lights – are more like a suggestion to stop unless nothing is coming (or at least nothing close enough to you is coming).  Speed limits – I saw signs, but no one was driving that slow – not even the bigger trucks.

Chaos and mayhem ensue when rules are not followed.  The lights, lines and signs in Peru are the “rules” of the road, but the real rules seem to be the ones that people have adopted.  For instance, the bigger the vehicle, the more rules it can make!

I long to live a life that has purpose, direction and impact on others, but without the guidelines of God’s word at work in my life, I am limited to chaotic and sporadic living.  God has given me certain instructions to make my life simple, but I want to make my own rules and that often complicates the process – often causing me to wreck.

I need to choose to walk according to His word, in His way, with His strength under His guidance.   
God help me do it.

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