Thursday, August 9, 2012

New England Bible Church - Guatemala Trip - Day 2

Sunday Morning in Los Esclavos, after a good night’s sleep (as good as it can be when I am away from home) . we prepared for church and a visit to Oratorio.  We ate breakfast (eggs again – we had eggs for dinner yesterday), did our devotional time in Romans, and then headed off for church.

After a 30 minute ride we arrived at the church.  The music was already playing and the church was already singing.  How could I tell?  As is the cultural norm, it was extremely loud – even outside.  We found out that the pastor was away, and they wanted us to share in their service.  Lee and Jody gave their testimonies (Lee did it in Spanish – very impressive) and Tyler shared from the word.

There were a few lessons for me in that service.
      The music was loud, uncomfortable and unpleasant to my ears.  I have a choice to “criticize” or judge them, or I can choose to worship God regardless.  Interesting enough, if they are singing and worshipping with a heart toward God, He is pleased and receives their worship.  It isn’t about me.  This is true everywhere – it is not my place to choose “worship” that appeals to me – but rather worship that pleases God.

·         The people were longing for the Spirit to come and be with them.  Their prayers seemed to be a prayer of calling God to come and be with them.  I wanted to say, “As children of God, He is here.  You don’t need to beg or plead for His presence.”  As I sat and thought about it, they need to know that, but I need to develop a deeper longing for God.  Maybe I am too “content” with the fact that God is always with me.  Maybe I need to long for Him more.  I need to desire God more.

·         When a person begins to pray – everyone prays.  It can be distracting, it can be noisy, but everyone is engaged.  I have always wondered about this, but while really thinking about it today, I realized that often in our churches when someone stands to pray, others check out.  Our thoughts go elsewhere.  The people here purpose to pray with the person praying whether or not they are praying for the same things is irrelevant.  God is not distracted.  God is not overwhelmed by the amount of prayers.  And they seem to know this.  I need to make sure that I engage in the prayers of others who are praying.

After dinner we went back to the hotel for lunch (finally something else – Spaghetti!) Then we headed to Oratorio.  We took a tour of the facility directed by Gilberto.  They showed us the classrooms, told us some stories, and then we all played on the new soccer/basketball court.  Finally we went downstairs and had some snacks.  Six of the 8 teachers were there, so I asked that one of them share their testimony.  After she shared, Matt shared his story. It was a great time of connection with our team and their staff.  I am confident that we will be able to pray more wisely for them.

En route back to the hotel we passed a group of people/police on the road.  A man had been hit by a car and was still lying on the ground.  Based on the attention he wasn’t receiving, it was obvious that he was dead.  We had been driving with the van door open, and so as we slowly passed, he was right below my feet.  It was a sad moment, but a reminder that the message that we bring is critical – we never know when it is someone’s last day on earth.

The team is doing well, but Isaac and Joseph (two brothers on the team) are having some difficulty.  They are rooming together, and seem to be having some difficulties.  I pray that they can find this time to grow together and learn to serve each other as Christ served us.

Tomorrow we start the physical work – I am really looking forward to that!  Enough for today – more tomorrow.

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