Thursday, May 6, 2010

Lessons from the Dentist Chair

This morning I received a call from my wife telling me that they had an opening at the dental office. Since I had been complaining of a hurting tooth (and she told me that it was cracked), i figured I would go.

Due to the fact that my body does not get numb easily when receiving anesthesia, the dentist gave me 5-6 shots in various places in my mouth to numb my tongue, my teeth, my jaw... eventually it worked, and he completed his task.

Here's the life lesson. As I left the office (with saliva running down my mouth) the left side of my face felt swollen. My tongue felt huge. My jaw felt freaky. I thought for sure I was a sight to behold.

However, when I looked into the mirror, I realized nothing had changed! My face was not swollen, my tongue was normal, my jaw was still in tact. What I felt to be true was immediately nullified by the mirror. I still looked exactly the same as when I walked into the office.

Often times in life, I feel things that are not necessarily true. God has abandoned me. God isn't really real. Life does not make sense. Sin is not as bad as I thought. And on the feelings go. I find though that when I look into the mirror of God's Word, the truth never changes. What was true when things were going good is still true when life is falling apart.

So, whenever you feel like things are not just right, take some time to look into the mirror. Or, to save yourself the aggravation, look into the Word before you get to feeling badly.

Hope this helps a little. I know it has for me.


  1. Very cool and practical example. Thanks for the insight. Very encouraging!

  2. Good stuff brother keep it coming psw
