Thursday, August 8, 2013

Raymond Baptist - Guatemala Trip - Day 6

Only 2 days left at Verbana, and the team is taking every opportunity to serve.  Much of the day was similar to other days, but we had a number of new experiences today.

  • For lunch we purchased pizza and ate with the maintenance guys.  It was a lot of fun as we laughed together, ate together, and just got to know each other better.  The ladies who have not been working with the maintenance guys most of the week really enjoyed the opportunity to interact with them.
  • The team had the opportunity to work with the gym teacher again today, but for most of the morning.  We took turns - 3 people at a time - playing with the children and helping Ramses with the gym class.
  •  We had the unique opportunity of working with the English class.  Our team became the "teachers" as they had to grade the children on converting the Spanish phrases into English. 
 Much of the work is getting near completion, which is wonderful.  But we still have much to do tomorrow.

One thing that has really impressed me about this group is that every person on the team is taking time to interact with others as they pass them or see them around campus.  From the smallest of students to the teachers and workers, I have yet to see any of the team members not say hello, good morning, or something of the sort.  They are valuing the people around them, and in light of our study this morning in James 2, I know God is honored because they are not showing favoritism or partiality - they are doing their best to love each person as God has loved them.

The day ended a little earlier since we did not play soccer this afternoon.  We headed back to Thelma's and were home a little after 5.  The evening went much like other evenings with dinner, highlights and a slide show reviewing the days events.

By 9 most people had completed their devotions and were in bed or heading that way - you can tell they are tired, but they are loving what they are doing.

Tomorrow we have the distinct privilege of going to Las Vistas (where my sponsored child is) and we will be doing some home visits.  This will be eye opening for them, so they need much prayer as we see the reality of poverty in Guatemala.

Thought for the day:  On the ride home, Mark asked Phil what the average income was for Guatemalans, and as Phil shared with us, the reality of the poverty in Guatemala became real.  Yes, there are Guatemalans that make a lot of money, but the majority live at $2000 or less per year.  From $100 - 150/ month, most Guatemalans feed, clothe, and house their families. 

This is humbling when I think about the fact that most Americans have discretionary income well above $100/month, and if we don't, we have a phone bill, cable bill, internet bill, etc. that well exceeds this amount.

While other people in the world are working to earn food, clothing and a decent place to sleep, most of us (Americans) spend 2, 3, 4 times the amounts necessary each month on things that have no real significance whatsoever.

God has truly blessed America financially, but (as God warned His people) we need to make sure that our "blessing" is not a hindrance to our worship of God or our love for fellow man.  We can put our heads in the sand and think that our "neighbor" is the guy next to us, or another American Citizen, but Jesus reminds us that everyone is our neighbor, and that our blessings are not to be squandered on the things that we value, but rather they are to be held open handed for God to use as He wishes.

God, forgive us for our selfishness that we don't even recognize as such because our culture tells us it is normal.  Forgive us for allowing the blessings that you have given us to become the gods of our lives.  Forgive us for missing the point of sharing what you have given us with those in need.  And, Lord, help us have Your eyes as we look at our possessions and the world around us.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for taking the time each evening to give us a glimpse of what our children are doing, I really appreciate it. It also gives me guidance in my daily prayers.
