The morning started with a quick drive from the hotel to the church - Pastor had left the van at the hotel, so it made the 30 minute walk a 5 minute drive. By 8:30 we arrived at the church - only to find out we were locked out. While most of the team waited there at the church, I had the distinct privilege of driving one team member back to the hotel to get pants (he had worn shorts). Yes, it was my son! Go figure...
Anyway, we were having devotions by 8:40, and ate breakfast shortly thereafter. The team was very interactive as we talked about temptations and our Good God. You could tell though that everyone was looking forward to heading to the center to see the kids.
So, after breakfast, we headed to the center. We made 2 stops - the Metro (for medicine for Sheila's mouth sore, and 18 bottles of water), and a hardware store (where we got a shovel, a pick, a rake and a sledge).
When we arrived at the center, we broke up into three groups - just like yesterday - and interacted with the kids. The lesson today: the 10 lepers. The team acted it out again - it was fun to watch. The games group played soccer and volleyball while the craft team worked inside.
We stayed until the kids ate - and then headed off for Buen Pastor. Harrison was a little frustrated since we still have yet to see Harold, and since he is in the second group - we did not see him again.
At Buen Pastor, we gathered all of the kids together and sang "Yo Tengo Gozo" faster and faster, and then we sang "Allelu" a couple of times with the kids standing and sitting. It was fun to watch their faces light up as they sang praises to God. The team enjoyed it as well.
Carla taught the story to the group (as the team acted it out), and then we broke up and interacted with the kids. Face painting, bracelets, jump rope, soccer... tons of stuff happening all around the place. Kids were connecting with team members. Team members were asking kids about God, and talking with them about Salvation and the gospel. This group is interacting with the kids on so many different levels - it really is a joy to watch.
While they were doing this, Curtis and I helped clear out some of the debris behind the kitchen, only to find out that they want much more than we did. I think we need an engineer on the team to help us design what it is that they want - but we will see what we can come up with and accomplish by the end of the week.
Eventually it was time to go and we headed back to the church for dinner. Chicken, rice, vegetables, potato topping, and cucumbers. It was delicious! The team cleaned all of the food up - there wasn't much left at all. After dinner we did a "hi-lo" conversation and each person shared their highs for the day - not very many lows. That is awesome!
A number of the team members have made decisions to sponsor kids - that is always a high time for me - I love when people make long term connections with the children. I pray they can sustain the relationships as they head back home.
Back to the hotel - showers, some games, some face timing, and off to bed. It'll be another great day tomorrow.
Thought for the day: As Curtis and I worked on the "mound" outside the kitchen, we had no real clue what we were doing. We worked hard and made some decisions about what we were shooting for and then showed our work to Lutgarda and the other ladies at the center. Tonight we talked with Pastor Jose about what we were trying to accomplish - and we weren't even close! Our understanding of what we were trying to accomplish was completely skewed.
How many times do we interact with people who have the greatest of intentions, work very hard to make those things work, and yet completely miss the "purpose" of life? How many times do we - even with our understanding of God and the gospel - find ourselves exhausted by "doing the work" when actually what we accomplish is not even the will of the Father?
If we had sought direction from Jose first - our aim would have been more sure. In life, if we seek direction from the Father first - our purpose will be more clear.
Father, help me not live to work hard and complete the tasks I have assigned, but rather to be faithful to follow your direction and leading. Help me seek Your face first!
Should I Use AI to Help Me Write Sermons?
[image: Should I Use AI to Help Me Write Sermons?]
Should pastors and ministry leaders use artificial intelligence as a tool
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2 hours ago
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