Friday, June 29, 2012

Berean Bible Church - Guatemala Trip - Day 6

Today is Katy’s birthday, so we sang Happy Birthday at every meal and at  9:00 at night (with cake and ice cream).  I think she enjoyed the day.

Throughout the day the team continued their work projects, but with only one day remaining, we are praying that God would help us finish the tasks.  The laundry room is almost complete – they are working on the drop ceiling to finalize the room.  The pharmacy team has gotten the walls completed, so tomorrow they are mixing the paint and the spackle to give the walls a “rough” finish look.  Both of those tasks should be completed by tomorrow.

The church group is experiencing a little more difficulty as much of their job has been very specialized and has required a LOT of creative thinking.  The team painted all of the classrooms the AMG yellow and blue colors, and the outside walls are next on the agenda. The bathroom is coming along as they are building the walls, but there is much to do.  We are praying that God would allow the team to finish the project (if it is His will), or that He would allow them to be satisfied with the fact that their service will be used to see the restrooms completed by the church people.  Either way, God’s glory is the preeminent goal, and that is what we want to submit our wills to.

After work we ate dinner, and then all headed off to the local pool.  This place was incredible.  It had a small “heart-shaped” children’s pool and an amoeba shaped larger pool that had a concrete walkway over the center.  The shallow end had a pretty cool slide as well.  The team had a great time playing games, throwing each other in, competing in various things (like trying to climb up on the bridge from the water).  They all had a great time – even Katie (who did not put a bathing suit on) got in on the action when she was thrown into the pool (I have no idea who threw her in – wink-wink).

About 8:00 we headed back to the hospital for our worship and devotional time.  We sang a number of songs and then we spent time in Romans 2:1 – 3:8.  I love the fact that this team is studying and talking about the passages they are studying even during the day.  The size of the team makes “small group” dynamics difficult, so our time in the word is often me speaking and asking questions, but it has been wonderful.

After we finished, we had cake and ice cream for Katy’s birthday. The cake was a light cake with peaches on top – delicious!  As we were eating our cake, we started a discussion of what God has been teaching us and the lessons we have learned since we were here in Guatemala.  One by one the team shared lessons that God was showing them.
·         A greater appreciation for the things they have
·         A greater appreciation of church/youth group
·         a longing to share the gospel with the people around them but they are limited by language
·         an enjoyment of worship with the team the work ethic of the Guatemalan people
·         the friendliness and joyful service of the Guatemalans that are caring for us
·         the example of Jami’s life and trust in God
·         the example of the Pastor from the nutrition center
·         lessons on missions and developing a passion for missions
·         lessons learned about
o   trusting God
o   dealing with arrogance
o   patience and slowing down
o   worry
o   faith

What a wonderful time it was – this team really loves each other well, and obviously they love God as well.

More work tomorrow – Lord willing we will finish our tasks.   

Now it’s time for bed.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Ken for sharing everything the team is doing. I'm glad Katy's birthday was a good one and that she could go "swimming"! I can't believe my youngest is 17 yr. old now!! We're keeping everyone in our prayers!
