Sunday, June 24, 2012

Berean Bible Church - Guatemala Trip - Day 1

The trip began on Friday at 12:00 noon when Dee dropped me off at Groome Transportation.  I had to take the shuttle to Nashville, and ended up sitting behind an elderly woman of faith named Freda.  She has had an interesting life, and spent much of the ride sharing it with me.  We were able to talk about the gospel freely, and when we stopped for gas, the driver came back to talk with me.  It seemed he enjoyed hearing about what we were talking about.  I love the fact that God has given me a strong voice, because I couldn’t hear half of the things he was saying when he was driving, but apparently he heard all the things I was saying.  A seed was planted – hopefully God will use someone else to water, and maybe another to reap.

The flight from Nashville to Houston went without a hitch, and the following morning I met with the team in Houston and we headed for Guatemala.

We arrived in Guatemala on time – about 11:10 in the morning.  We loaded the luggage and started the drive to Cubulco (a 4 hour drive I am told).  After a stop for Lunch at McDonalds, and then a bathroom break/ice cream stop, we finally arrive in Cubulco around 8:00ish.  Not exactly sure where the 4 hour drive came from, but it seemed a little more like 8 hours to me (since we left the airport around 12).

The views were magnificent – I just wish I had my camera out (it was in the back with the luggage).  We went from 2,000 feet to 4,000 feet, up and down, and the mountains and landscape were gorgeous.  The team was ready to be in Cubulco, and even though it was a beautiful ride, it was very long.

Anyway, not a single complaint – there was no air in the bus and there was 2 people to every seat (with me standing in the aisle or up front)  Luggage took up the back 4 rows, and with Nico’s kids/nephew, the 3 technicians that rode with us to work on the dental equipment, there were 39 people in all.  Hot, oh so hot, when the bus stopped – which was often.  But again, not a single complaint.

I am really looking forward to working with this team – they are excited about working, about playing soccer, about ministering to the people here.  This is the same team that I traveled with to Mexico back in 2009.  They work together well.  They know how to laugh together, work together, worship together, serve together.  It is going to be a great week.

Tomorrow begins at 6:30 with breakfast, then a 1 hour truck ride, followed by a short boat ride across a river, and then what Nico said was a 2 hour walk to the church.  We will see how that goes – definitely an interesting way to begin the trip.  I may end up staying back because 3-4 of the people think they are not able to make the trip, and since I will most likely have another opportunity to visit the church before the others do, I volunteered to stay.  One of the ladies said she would stay, but I think she was only doing it because someone needs to stay.  I will know in the morning which one of us will be staying.

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