Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Berean Bible Church - Guatemala Trip - Day 4

The day began like a normal missions day – breakfast, and some conversation about what we have seen God do so far.  It was cool to listen to the young people and the leaders as they shared the lessons they are learning.

The morning schedule was similar to yesterday, with the exception of a special trip to the nutrition center in a village about 25 minutes away.  15 of the team members went and played with the kids, fed them lunch, and were able to hear the testimony of the pastor who works there.  It was obviously a very touching time for those who went – many of them said they spent much of the time crying because it was a very emotional time.

Before they left, Danny approached me about something he thought was an bug bite or an allergy.  As soon as I looked at his leg, I knew he had been bitten by a spider. He had a softball sized red, swollen, hot spot on his leg.  Thank God that he mentioned it to me (as we told all of the kids to report anomalies) and thank God that we are working at a hospital.  Within 15 minutes he was treated and on his way to the nutrition center.  By mid afternoon, his leg looked much better.

The remainder of the team that stayed at the hospital worked diligently on their projects.  The laundry room now has completed plumbing and much of the wiring has been pulled and is in place.  The pharmacy group has been putting up walls all day, and they are getting close to ready for dry wall.  The church group had a few mishaps that you will have to ask about (especially regarding Jeff), but they are coming along nicely.  The ladies working at the church are scraping walls getting the classrooms ready to paint.  This group is working hard – everyone is doing their share.  Praise the Lord for that.

We are experiencing a few issues – diarrhea, constipation, scrapes, bruises, blisters and cuts, but everyone is responding well to treatment/instruction for care of the issues. 

Just like last night we had dinner, worship time and a time in the word in the evening.  I love hearing the kids talk about what they understand the scriptures to be saying as we make our way through the book of Romans.  I pray that as we continue our study they will grow in their passion for theology and for knowing God.  Paul does such a great job laying out the basics of the faith in this book. 

Following dinner – just like yesterday – some went and played soccer against/with the locals, while others stayed home and played games.  I love the fact that this group plays together as well as they work together.

We definitely need continued prayer for the small bumps and bruises, for the continuation of the projects, for the team to grow in their understanding of God and in their passion for missions.

Tomorrow’s plan is similar to today (minus the nutritional visit), but we have a special speaker after dinner.  One of the ladies here, Jami they call her, is going to give her testimony.  I am looking forward to hearing it as both Nico and Phil say that it is a miracle that she is alive.  I pray that God uses her testimony to impact the lives of the leaders and the teens – and myself as well.

Enough for tonight – it is almost 10:30, and I need to get to bed – it has been a long day, and my muscles need a break.

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