Friday, March 9, 2012

Cedarville - Peru Trip - Day 6 and 7

Where do I start??  It has been a long 40 hours since I first woke up yesterday morning.  Much has happened, so the highlights might just have to do…
      Yesterday we returned to Huaraz to work with the children.  We had the privilege of giving them their school supplies as school has just begun again for them (Winter break just ended Monday).  The team handed out school supplies at both Huaraz and Yungar.  Andres took a couple of the kids (including Abel) to Yungar. Abel really enjoyed talking with Andres – He came back so excited about the ministry here in Peru and what God is doing through AMG and Andres. 
      We showed pictures of the kids at Huaraz on the big screen – the kids really enjoyed it.  It was about 350 pictures and took about 20 minutes to go through the presentation.  We showed it while they were eating, so we put “Finding Nemo” on after the presentation for the kids to enjoy.  They got to see some of it, but we didn’t want them spending all of the time watching a movie, so I left the movie with Erick and Solidad.  Eventually they will see the end.
      After the day’s work, we went back to the hotel, packed our things and prepared for dinner.  Andres, his wife and 2 children joined us, along with Erick, Solidad (and her 2 children), Billy (from Lima) and Maggie (from Austria).  What a wonderful time as Andres shared his testimony and the team asked questions about his ministry, things we needed to pray about, things Andres’ wishes people in America knew, etc.  Great questions and great responses.  We finished dinner with prayer for Andres, Erick, Solidad, Billy, Maggie, the ministry at the churches and the ministry of AMG.  We really had a wonderful parting time as we left.
      We walked to the bus station (well, all but 3 who rode on the truck with Andres and the luggage – 2 of the girls are feeling sick, and Abel went to help with luggage)  It was a neat experience walking down the streets of Huaraz at night.
      THE BUS RIDE – NO SLEEPING (at least not for me and a few of the team).  Enough said!
      Friday morning, we arrived in Lima at 4:30.  Lutgarda was told that our bus would not arrive until 6:20, so they were right on time.  I tried to call, but I realized I had taken my Peru SIM card out and given it to someone else – AND – my international phone didn’t have any minutes left.  What a lesson on trusting God when you can’t do anything (no phones at the bus station, and the pay phones are “put out for use” later in the day).  I knew they would come, I just didn’t know when.
      They arrived and took us to the church for breakfast!  Mucho gusto!  They fed us well – and what a joy it was to be eating.  Little did I know this would be our last meal until 5:30 tonight.
      We went from there to the Spiros Zhodiates Child Care Center – where Harold (our sponsored child) goes.  We walked all the way up the mountain to the houses at the top to visit the people – great call the morning aftera long night on a bus.  Seriously, it really was wonderful.  We handed out food packets to the people we visited, heard their stories and prayed for them.  One girl had just finished high school – she was the first child in the AMG program here.  The last girl we visited just started in the program. To see the extremes of the ministry was pretty cool.
      Following the 4 home visits, we headed to the center to teach the lesson, do crafts, play games, interact with the students.  Harold was there and for the first time ever seemed very excited to see me.  I was thrilled to see him too.  We goofed around a little, I helped him with his stuff, but – much like Harrison – he likes a little space.  So I watched him from a distance as well.  He really is a neat kid.  We parted – he called me “padrino” for the first time (it is an endearing term the kids use to talk about their sponsors.  The word is translated to mean “godfather” or something like that)  I called him “hijo” as I always do, and again for the first time he responded very favorably!
           Next was Norma!!  We arrived at the “Good Shepherd” Child Care Center, and immediately I scanned the room for Norma.  It only took a second.  I called her name and her face lit up.  Yeah, she remembered me, but she was eating.  I sat patiently (which was not easy) to wait for her to finish.  She quickly did, went and washed her plate, and then joined me and sat on my lap.  The world could have stopped right then – I was loving seeing this girl again.  From the dirty, sore ridden girl who would not smile or look you in the eye for more than a second, to a gorgeous little girl – well dressed, very clean, sweet smile, very friendly – it was night and day from last year.  We spent most of the afternoon together.  She was kind enough to share me with the rest of the kids, but boy was I anxious to pick her up again every time I put her down.  I talked with her mother and shared how Dee and I had decided to sponsor her.  I told her that Dee was anxious to see Norma and will be here in December.  I am really looking forward to that encounter.  I fear we might end up with another kid at home, but since that is impossible (and impractical) I fear even more that Dee might not want to leave when it is time to go.  Anyway, Norma and I went outside at one point in time and I was teaching her to dance and spin – just like I used to do with my girls when they were as young as her.  Memories flood back when you look into the eyes of such a beautiful girl and are reminded of your daughters.  (I cannot believe one of them is getting married in just over a month).  Eventually we said goodbye, but the team did not want to leave, the kids did not want them to leave, and my heart was torn as well.  What a great day.
      Wait, there’s more.  We came back to the hotel, walked out to dinner at La Hacienda (great dinner of chicken and French fries) with Jose, Teresa, Carla and Lutgarda, and then walked back to the hotel.  When we arrived we gathered around the dinner table and talked about the past 2 days.  I love hearing these kids talk.  Their thoughts are deep, their passions are strong, their love for God is evident and their love for the kids is overwhelming.  They shared with each other, encouraged one another, and just had a great time talking.  About 8:15, Andy asked if I would share my testimony.  I was hesitant due to the fact that I was already tired and I knew it would be draining.  The shame flows back every time I recount my foolishness and ignorance, but I am also reminded of the grace of God and greatness of His love.  Thanks be to God for His unspeakable kindness toward me as He continues to use a broken and fallen sinner to glorify Himself.  When I finished, Abel prayed for me – and what a wonderful encouragement that was.  At 9:30 I went to my room – now it is almost 11:00.  I am tired – it has been a very long, but very wonderful 40+ hours.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.  Praise Him all creatures here below.  Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts.  Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.  Amen!

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