Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Cedarville - Peru Trip - Day 4

Today started out well with breakfast and an hour in Romans.  The team discussed the last half of chapter one and we spent much time talking about a “godly approach” to  the sin of homosexuality.  Their generation has many difficult days ahead as the church must figure out how Christ would handle homosexuals, and what it looks like to love them but not accept their sin.  Grace is required for all people, arrogant, slanderers, disobedient, etc.  So the message to the homosexual is the same.  However, because of the ramifications of an outwardly gay couple, addressing this sin is often more difficult.  What an exciting conversation to have with 9 students that are going to help shape the future of the church.

We loaded up around 10:00 to go to Yungar (about 30 minutes up the road).  Pastor Fausto met us at the church when we arrived – he is an amazing humble man who loves God and loves children.  It is evident in the way he talks and the way he lives. 

We had the privilege of following up on a purchase that a team 2 weeks ago made for a woman at the church.  The team purchased a bunk bed for Maria’s children, and then they shared the gospel with her.  We were able to deliver that bed and install it in her home.  She was so thankful for Richard Hetzel and his team.  She was thankful for Pastor Fausto and his ministry to her children.  She was thankful to AMG for what they are providing for her children.  I was able to encourage her with the fact that the team that purchased the bed for her loved her and her children very much, but that Jesus Christ loved her even more.  When the bed was installed, she broke into tears.  It was very moving.  I pray that she receives Christ soon.

After her home, we had the privilege to visit 2 more houses as we walked around Yungar.  We met a grandmother who was raising her daughters 3 children, and a mother of twins.  Both women were glad to see Fausto, and our team enjoyed talking with them and praying with them.

We walked back to the center and ate lunch.  When the students arrived, we fed them lunch (or at least handed them the food and drinks that were provided).  I was able to laugh with the kids as they called me “abuelo”.  I made “angry” faces at them and they just laughed.  We had a great time.

After lunch we did our program with a lesson from Joshua 4, songs, skits and then crafts.  The children loved to see the team sing and do the skits.  I don’t know why but this team loves spitting on each other (in the skits).  It is always a joy to watch team members reach out to the children and love them – even if they cannot speak the language.

We played ball with the kids, colored with them, talked with them, asked them questions (and they asked us questions).  I asked one boy what his name was, and he said , “No se”, or “I don’t know”.  So, I called him “No se”.  They thought it was hilarious.

Eventually we headed home and had dinner around 6.  We did the “high/low” game and each person talked about the highs and lows for the day.  Not really many lows… just saying.  Erick joined us for dinner and then walked with us downtown.  The kids seemed to really enjoy going to the market, even though it is cold and wet in the evenings. 

Tomorrow is an early morning, and it is almost 10:30 now.  We have to be leaving for Chiquian by 7:30, so I am going to bed soon.  More exciting things tomorrow.  God is good!

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