Monday, September 20, 2010

Rumble Strips of Life

I've heard many a person talk about driving rumble strip to rumble strip. In other words, when things get boring on the highway, you just let your car go until you hit the rumble strip and then correct your car away from it.

I used to joke with the kids on our missions trips that rumble strips were just a "massage from the road". Of course this was just an excuse after running over the rumble strips.

As I was thinking about this the other day, it occurred to me that they are much like the Holy Spirit's influence on my life. As I travel the road of life, occasionally I seek to move off the path, and when I do, the Holy Spirit reminds me that I am moving into dangerous territory. The reminder is not a wall that does not allow me to pass. The reminder is not a correction to my position. Rather it is an alert that tells me that if I continue the way I am going I am heading into trouble.

Could you imagine a driver heading off the side of the road, hearing and feeling the rumble of the tires, choosing to continue off the road at the same speed he is traveling on the highway? Wouldn't you consider such activity foolish? I think the same is true of a person, myself included, who ignores the noise of the warning of impending danger.

One other thought, if you have ever traveled for a while on the rumble strip, it gets to be a lot less impacting when you get used to the sound, when your body begins to relax at the vibration the car is experiencing. It is a dangerous place to be no longer concerned with the danger that the strip is there to remind you of.

The same is true with the prompting of the Spirit. He will continue to remind me. He will continue to woo me back to the road. But eventually, I will become less inclined to hear as I tolerate the sound of his call, and refuse to move back where I belong.

Father, allow Your Spirit to continue to "protect" me from myself. Help me to listen and be obedient to the correction of Your Spirit. Thank You for Your faithfulness when I am faithless.

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