Imagine if you would a culture where time is slowed way down. The schedule is determined by the people that have arrived, as opposed to a clock on the wall. Nine O'clock really means some time after nine. "We start at 10" really means " people generally get here around 10 and when everyone arrives we begin."
Yes, this place does exist - actually in many countries of the world! One of those places is Uganda. It was my pleasure to experience a timeless culture. People became a priority, schedules - not so much. Taking time to talk - to look into others eyes and hear what they were saying. Taking time to share - to visit with people and hear their stories.
I realize this cannot happen across the board here in America (at least not any time soon), however, I am determined to bring at least a little of this culture into my world. Why am I so busy? Why does the clock dictate what I do? How is it I waste time doing things that are meaningless and fruitless when people right around me are emotionally, spiritually, relationally wasting away?
Join me in a revolt - okay, maybe let's not take it that far. But turn off your TV. Turn off your computer. Put your cell phone, Ipod, DVD player, etc on hold and take time to relate to the people around you. Look in people's eyes. Hear their stories. Invite people into your home and just hang out with them. Go to other people's homes and spend time with them. We want this. WE NEED THIS!!
You don't have to go to Africa to experience African time - Do it in your home - Try it!!
Wonderful! I did this earlier today. I left the cell phone at home while my 2 1/2 year old and I headed went on a long walk through the pasture and down along the creek. No time table or even a watch! I felt such contentment as we explored God's creation...and spent time enjoying life together without distraction. You're right we do need this.