Thursday, August 20, 2009

Uganda - New Experiences...

Thank you for your prayers as we travelled to Uganda. God has given me many new experiences on my trip, and I would like to take this opportunity to record just a few...

- Stopping in Dubai - one of the worlds richest places
- 13 hour flight - never been in a plane that long
- Worshiping African Style - with much enthusiasm
- Hand washing my clothes in a tub
- Playing soccer barefoot in Africa
- Experiencing an African roadblock "rebellion"
- Sleeping in Mosquito Nets
- Eating Ugandan food - beans and rice - very bland
- Jogging in Uganda
- Painting using small trees (4-5' long) as roller sticks
- Worshiping in an Anglican Church - African Style
- Visiting people's homes - 1-2 room mud huts
- Ate Goat - cooked African Style
- Spoke to a group of 450+ boarding students
- Saw various animals in their normal habitat
- Preaching to half nude people
- Washing for a week from a knee high faucet - cold water only.

Overall it was a great trip - if you are interested in hearing more about any of the new experiences that I had, feel free to ask - I am sure I will be writing more in the near future.

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