Monday, April 6, 2009

The Most Accurate Compass

As the mariner follows his compass,
And the motorist follows his guide,
May you follow those words of Jesus,
May they draw you close to his side

For the Bible's the only guide book,
To direct you whenever you roam,
'Tis the only compass given,
And it points straight north to Home.

And if ever life's see is choppy,
Or the mountains of life are steep,
You may read within these pages,
"Fear not, for I know my sheep".

"I'll love, I'll guide, I'll keep you",
This is His message to you,
Read it and miss not the blessing,
For His Word has been tried and is true.

Yes the mariner needs his compass,
And the motorist needs his guide,
And you, too, need the Master,
Ever close at your side.

Jesus the friend of sinners,
Jesus the savior of men,
In the Bible the story is written,
Read it, again and again.

Written by:
Elsie C Webb (passed on to me by my mother - Judith Webb Ivins)


  1. I still have this poem taped in my Bible from when our parents gave it to me. It is a great reminder of how blessed we are to be from a multi-generation of believers who have passed on an incredible legacy. K©

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