Thursday, April 2, 2009

How's your body working today?

The Human body is beautiful. An amazing design that is inconceivable in it's complexity and order. From neurons that transmit information to a computer like organ, to a skeletal system that enables upward mobility and protection of itself. From a muscle system that is designed to bring movement to the skeleton, to the vast highway of veins and arteries that carry life bringing blood throughout ever area of the body. From the respiratory system that brings oxygen to the blood and filters out the massive amounts of impurities that are breathed in, to the heart of the body itself that pumps thousands of times daily without thought. From the digestion of foods and liquids to bring strength and energy to the body while sorting out the toxins, to the smoothest, most responsive, self healing cover of it all, the skin. Yes, when time is spent to think about the body, it is indescribably beautiful.

What is truly amazing is the way in which the body protects itself, analyzes itself, and heals itself. The body is constantly sending messages to other parts of the body to ensure proper care and development. For example, put your hand on something hot - how quickly does your body respond? Cut yourself - how quickly does your blood begin to clot to close the gap? Drink some poison - how quickly does your body attempt to expel the toxin, or separate it out of your system? You see how the body cares for itself.

How much more should the body of Christ mimic these traits? Why is it when poison is being swallowed by a brother or sister in Christ, we are not actively involved with helping them expel that toxin? When a sister or brother is hurting (whether by accident, or because they caused the problem) why do we tend to be passive in the process of healing? When a brother or sister is getting close to doing something that would harm them, why do we wait to see what happens? Shouldn't the body protect itself? Shouldn't the body care for itself? Shouldn't the body constantly analyze it's health to ensure growth and vitality?

It is our Father's desire that we function as a unit, as a body, that we might be vibrant in this world. This will not happen without focus, purpose, intent and goals. We can not expect health to come without taking action. The human body moves toward decay, and without exercise, proper nutrition, and proper care, it will die, and it will die quickly.

As Christians, we must regularly eat the words of life that bring nutrition to our bodies. We must digest the truths that are hidden therein. We must keep open lines of communication between the brain of the body - which is found in it's head, Jesus Christ. We must exercise the principles that permeate His words, so that we can develop our muscles and enable impact in the world around us.

However, we must also assess ourselves. Not just ones self, but the body as a whole. We need to be able to be honest and open about what we are dealing with. We must share our burdens, our sinfulness, our weaknesses. It is imperative that the body stop functioning as if it is okay for part of the body to be healthy, while other parts are suffering in a gangrenous state. We must carefully, lovingly step into the decay and deadness and bring life and healing to the body. We must have as our goal the health of the entire body, because otherwise death will come.

Look around you. Brothers and sisters are struggling, and that means you are struggling. Marriages are breaking up - that is a body problem. Teenagers are moving away from Christ - that is a body problem. Individuals are struggling with addiction - that is a body problem. "Good" Christians are struggling with arrogance, pride, judging, selfishness, gluttony, gossip, showing partiality - these are all body problems.

When the body gets the picture that we are all struggling together, that we are all essential to each other, that true health is only possible as a whole, we will live and function differently. There will be no room for self evaluation, but rather evaluation of myself as a part of the body. There will be no room for thinking of myself higher than a brother, because we are one. There will be no room for passive involvement in the lives of others, because their destruction is my own.

The Body of Christ is much more beautiful than the human body. We need to be aware that we have an enemy that seeks nothing other than our destruction.

1 comment:

  1. Great essay and a great blog Ken!
    I look forward to reading more!

    -John D.
