Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Easton Baptist Church - Guatemala Trip - Day 4

Philippians 1:12-26 was the devotional portion for today, and we discussed the idea of looking toward the eternal while living as Jesus Christ in this world.  Our time was wonderful as team members opened up and shared some difficulties they experience in attempting to live out their walk with God when people around them don’t respond.  Others shared testimonies of ways they have seen the benefits of walking with God.  It was wonderful.

After breakfast, we headed off to Las Vistas for another day of painting and playing with children.  We started the morning by finishing the yellow portion of the painting and applying the second coat on most of the surfaces.  While some were painting, others were playing with the children and reminding them that Jesus loves them.  Throughout the day, we spent time playing games, playing soccer, visiting the kids in the classroom, and just loving on the children.
Just like yesterday, we fed the children lunch before we ate.  This is always a wonderful time because it is a one-on-one experience as the team members dish the food out for the children.  Many say “thank you”, and that is so encouraging and convicting to us because they were receiving 2 hot dogs, a little pasta and a stem of broccoli.  Often times we are not thankful for the food that we have, but to hear these kids give thanks for the little they receive is wonderful.
After lunch, we got back to work, and by 3:00 the front of the building was mostly done – we have some touch up work tomorrow.  We were able to play soccer with the older kids, and they were thrilled with that.  It has been a wonderful day.
During the ride home (and the ride to Las Vistas) we did a 2-18 exercise where a team member shares about themselves in 2 minutes and the team quizzes them with a variety of questions for 18 minutes.  Today we were able to have 4 people share about themselves, so with 6 down, we have 8 left to go.
The evening was filled with dinner, “hi-lo” conversation (sharing highs and lows of the day), an evening wrap up where we revisit the day, and some prep conversation for the rest of the week.  Phil and Abbey Wilson came over, and they hung out with the team a little (and provided some much desired Guatemalan Quetzals in exchange for American Dollars).  It was a wonderful evening.
Tomorrow is going to be a difficult day as we have more painting to do, the logo design and painting for the front of the building, 2 soccer games, and most importantly, home visits.  These typically are very difficult for team members, so we need a lot of prayer.
Well, it is rather late, so that’s enough for today.  More to come tomorrow!!

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