It is Monday morning, and the team is excited about the events of the day. Our plan is to go to both child care centers here in Lima today and teach a Bible story (the parable of the talents), a verse - John 14:15, do a craft, and play games. A great play, and a great team to pull if off!
The morning began with the walk to the church, where we had breakfast and devotions. The team was still tired as the beginning of this trip has not allowed for much sleep. I anticipate more discussion in devotions as the week progresses, but we will see...
After devo's, we headed for the Spiros Zhodiates child care center. The children are still on summer break, so the school should only have some of the 220 kids that we had anticipated. Sure enough, when we arrived, we had about 100 children in all that we were able to work with. I think as the word spreads that we are here, we will see more of the kids throughout the week.
As soon as we arrived, I was met by Harold - my sponsored child (not much of a child any more, as he is taller that my sholders - at 14 years of age), and we talked briefly. A moment later, I saw Sophia, Norma's mother, and Luis, her brother, at one of the tables. I had not anticipated seeing them until later in the day, but when they heard we were coming, they wanted to be there.
Then I saw Norma - a little girl I met when she was 3 years old, and man what a story that is - but anyway, she is beautiful. As soon as I saw her, I wished my wife were here, but I know if she were, I wouldn't have received the wonderful hug that I did. It is always good to see her.
Well, the kids got to work and ministered to the kids as best as possible - they taught them the Bible story, the verse, some songs, some games, and just plain loved on them! The kids seemed to enjoy being with the kids - even the "middle school" age kids (like Harold) seemed to be having some fun.
We played with them, sang songs with them, and just loved being with them. The team did an excellent job. Eventually it was time to move on to the Buen Pastor center, and we loaded up and left. It was so cool being able to tell them that we would see them again tomorrow.
We arrived at the center and the kids got right back to work. Teaching stories, teaching Bible verses, playing games, singing songs - they did a wonderful job. These kids were a little younger but they had a great time.
Then we were left with the "down time" activity... We just played games, taught them games, ran around and loved on kids. We hugged them, kissed them, told them Jesus loved them, we prayed for them, and prayed with them. It was a great day!
We ended the day with dinner at the church - LOMO SALTADO! - and then ice cream at Sarcletti's. We also went to Wong's for water, bread, a soccer ball, and other necessary sundries. Then we walked to the hotel, had a meeting with 2 people doing the 2:18 activity (Aaron and Alex), made some plans for tomorrow, and headed off to bed.
Tomorrow is more of the same - I am praying for the health of the team as they still seem a little tired.
I am asking them to go to bed at 11, but some are still working on devotions.
Thought for the day: God has given us (my family) the privilege of sponsoring Harold and Norma, and we love the opportunity to do it. I know it will change their lives, and we pray that God uses AMG to help train them to serve Him.
However, they are not the only ones impacted by our involvement. My family is impacted, as we think of them, pray for them, and love to visit them as much as possible. Their families are impacted as they grow and learn and share with their families the things they learn. Only eternity will reveal exactly how much impact these kids will have on the world.
As I think of that, it is true of everything I do. From basic conversations, to intentional acts of kindness, to discipleship of others... everything I do has an impact on the world around me, and the ripples of that effect will only be known in eternity.
God help me each day to seek to make an impact in the lives of others that will move them toward godliness and cause them to seek Your face more and more each day. Help me to start my day with You so that I can align my will to Yours, and therefore have an eternal impact on others for You.
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[image: Should I Use AI to Help Me Write Sermons?]
Should pastors and ministry leaders use artificial intelligence as a tool
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3 hours ago
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