Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Touched by an Angel...

I met a little girl in Peru a few weeks ago. She was dirty. She was little. She had a sore under her nose because her nose would not stop running. Her clothing was dirty. Her name... I didn't know. I asked her how old she was, and she told me she was four. When I asked her her name, she just looked away. I asked the other children, but they didn't seem to know either. I had to know this little girls story.

I found out that she was 4 years old, her mother would leave her early in the morning to go and sell candy on the street. The little girl was left home alone to fend for herself. She had friends she would go to see, and a little 12 year old girl named Ana would care for her most of the day.

It was at this point, as I played my guitar for the children that I gazed into the eyes of this little girl, and my heart was torn. "What kind of mother leaves a 4 year old home to take care of herself? How negligent! What chance does this little girl have of making it if she has to clean herself, care for herself, feed herself...? She needs a mother and a father!" I wrestled with these thoughts as I watched her occasionally look up to let her eyes meet mine. When they did, she immediately returned them to the ground.

God reminded me that He cares for this little girl more than I do, more than her mother could, and that is why He gave a vision to a man a long time ago to start a childcare center in her area to meet some of her basic needs, and eventually bring her to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Norma was the angel that touched me that day - she brought me to a place where I had to wrestle with the goodness and love of God. I thank God that my family will have the ability to sponsor her and help care for her as she grows older. I look forward to what God is going to do as Norma grows into a young lady.

What a joy it is to be a part of what God is doing by helping a little girl and her mother survive the pains of poverty, and even more, experience the joy of knowing Christ.

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