Thursday, February 10, 2011

How do you approach your Father?

It was prayer time this morning, and I realized something as we were praying that made me think. I wondered, how does God perceive me as I approach His throne? Then I thought about ways I might be inclined to approach God, and the responses that I might receive as a result.

  • Arrogance - sometimes without even knowing it, we approach God arrogantly asking, even demanding an audience. We expect that He will do what I want, in my time, in my way. We don't consciously do this, else we would change our attitude. Rather with the words that we say and the attitude of our heart, we demand God hear us and respond. What is His response? Well, that is up to Him, however, His word does say that He "opposes the proud".
  • Fear - not a righteous fear, but rather a terror that the one to whom I speak is going to look upon my request as something that I have no position to ask, dismiss it and me with a terrifying rejection. One might fear that the One to whom he speaks recognizes who and what he is, and therefore to ask anything of God is just ludicrous. In terror, I run into and out of the presence of God, expecting nothing but His disdain or judgment.
  • Timidity - like a child who has just received a new toy but is not sure about how it is to be handled, we approach God with a confusion and lack of understanding. We understand the "power" that we are dealing with, and we realize that the door has been open to us to enter, however we are not certain what it looks like to request anything from God. "What are the proper words to say?" "How can someone like me cause God to act?" "What place do I have to request anything of Him?"
  • Selfishness - I pray in Jesus' name, but I request things that Christ Himself would not request. I ask for things to make my life easier. I ask for things that keep myself at the center of my attention. I even ask for things for others that are close to me, expecting that God will do what I would like for my friends. I loose track of who is actually on the throne as I talk.
  • Distance - As I talk with God, I expect nothing to happen. I throw at God, whom I recognize to be capable of doing anything, the concerns that I have, the requests that I have, the desires of my heart, but I expect that He will graciously listen and allow me to present my case. If I am extremely influential with my words, He might be moved to action, but most often I expect that He will hear my concerns, wish me well, and send me on my way. He is unmoved by my plight, as He is God and has many other things of greater importance on His plate.
  • Powerless - Sometimes I forget Who I approach, and think that He is powerless to do anything about my situation. I bring to Him the issues of life only to make Him aware of them, but expecting Him to do nothing because I am not sure that He is capable of doing anything. My failures, my choices, my past... keeps God from being able to do anything on my behalf. He would like to act, but cannot because I have moved beyond the scope of things He can control.

How does God respond when I come to Him in these ways? That is something to think about today.

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