Friday, December 3, 2010

People in a Box

I am starting to wonder if I live a virtual life more than I live a real life.

I am intrigued by relationships, activities, behaviors, patters... of people on my favorite television shows, and it dawns on me - they are not even real people.

I find myself taking time to interact with old acquaintances via a variety of media yet not taking the time to get to know new people all around me.

I find myself engrossed in 2 hour long stories that tell the tales of peoples lives, and I want to see more, know more, experience more. I want to understand the "rest of the story". I ask questions about the issues that these stories bring up, but often it is just to better understand the story.

People In A Box - one 80's band referred to them as. Television, movies, computer games, Facebook, Twitter... on and on it goes. It is a life lived spending time interacting with little that matters, asking questions about things that do not have any depth, researching personalities that don't even exist.

Wasted time - wasted on meaninglessness. And then we wonder why we are discontent with life. We throw away the one asset we have right now - time - that we cannot get back no matter what we do.

What is the answer? Where do I go from here?

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