Tuesday, November 17, 2009


This past Sunday, our pastor quoted someone who said something like this.

"There are 3 people sitting in your pew this morning. First, the person you think you are. Second, the person others think you are. Third, the person God knows you to be."

It got me thinking...

The larger the variance is between any of these 2 people, the more dangerous the position you are in.

For instance, if people look at you as a holy/perfect example of a Christian, and you know (as we all do) that you are a sinner saved by grace, the difference in how they look at you versus what is true is drastically lopsided. If we begin to hear the praises of people, we might just start to think that we are that perfect/holy person they presume us to be. That is when we find ourselves on very thin ice - IT WILL COLLAPSE.

Much the same, if our view of ourselves is not in line with what God knows to be true, the greater the difference, the more trouble we are in. This can go either way. Whether we think ourselves more unworthy of God (focusing on our sin, on our failure, etc - by the way, this is still arrogance), or we think of God as lucky to have chosen such a wonderful human specimen to work through (forgetting of course our propensity to sin apart from the Spirit's work in our life), either way, we diminish the value of the grace of God, and we portray His holiness as less than who He is.

As you reflect on the Word of God, seek a balanced view of yourself before God. As you hear the praises or criticisms of people, listen to them in the context of the Gospel, knowing who you really are apart from the wonderful work of Jesus Christ in your life.

If we do this well, we will avoid the pitfalls of being someone we are not, and we will be real.

I struggle with this, do you?


  1. Good observation Ken. I definitely believe people struggle with this because we desire to be accepted by the general public and we feel if we are one way in God's eyes we won't necessarily be accepted by those we desire to be accepted by. We are making much of man instead of God.

  2. I think most of us struggle with this. A theme in my life this year...caring more about what God thinks than what others think. Yikes! Not always easy...esp it seems in the Christian community. People are so busy putting up fronts of perfection. It's really freeing to be "real" and "authentic." I have found that it opens the door for others to share with us without fear of being persecuted.

    This summer I did a book study where the author, Susie Larson, explored insecurity as a form of selfishness...because we are focusing on ourselves. Kind of what you said too. :)

    The Lord gave me this verse to remind me that I am loved by Him (and that's what matters): Isaiah 43:4

    Thanks for this post.
