Wednesday, September 2, 2009

UGANDA: Hearing the Songs of Sadness

As you listen to this, you will hear beautiful harmony of children singing. Without any musical instrument, these children sang this song for us.

However, if you pay attention to the words, you will hear some very sad realities that these children deal with daily.

Did you catch it? The English accent makes it very difficult to catch. The song says...
"Come let us talk aboutgainst killing of humans, burning of schools and sacrifice of children..."
It is a call for adults to step up and give children a safe place to live.

When you start thinking that your life is difficult, remember to pray for these children who deal with murder, child sacrifice, robbery, rape, molestation... all addressed in this song.


  1. Whoa! that was so powerful!

  2. THat's really sad, but it's powerful, and I know God's hands are everywhere, even in Africa amongst the Rebels.
