Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Blind Faith???

I know you have heard it said that justice is blind. It would be nice if that were completely true. We all know stories of people that have somehow been judged incorrectly, or intentionally broadsided by those who have the responsibility to judge fairly. Whether in a courtroom battle, or just in a ball field skirmish, justice is not always blindly determined.

It is also not true that faith is blind. Ignorance allows for someone to blindly follow what they do not know, but faith does not. Let me state that another way. Someone may say they have "faith", but if it is indefensible, or one chooses to ignore the necessity for the defense of truth, it is not "blind faith", but rather ignorance, or lazy ignorance.

I have recently been following the writings of Daniel Florien in his blog - unreasonablefaith.com. It intrigues me because this man seems to be very intelligent, and willing to hear defenses for almost anything, but he has concluded that there is no god. As Christians seek to "wrestle" with him using their words, he rightly concludes that there is little they have to say. I keep reading to see if someone can/will stand for truth, but most follow his arguements, allow for his assumptions, and limply strike at his defenses.

I would like to encourage us as Christians to know the word of God, to know the work of Christ, to be able to defend truth, without waivering. That will require a lot of work, and a confidence that what we are defending is true. Daniel says he is looking with eyes wide open, and I commend him for that. We must be able to "give an answer" for anyone, including Daniel.

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