Friday, May 8, 2009

Want Freedom?? Follow the Rules!!!

Freedom lives within parameters. The more clearly defined the parameters are, the more freedom exists. Let me explain.

Imagine a world where every moment the rules change - every moment, without warning, without regularity... instant change.

Gravity - optional - on moment you are stuck to the ground, the next you float away, only to find yourself slamming to the ground a moment later. One moment you weigh in at 100 lbs, the next 1,000 lbs.

Temperature - varies without reason - from freezing to intense heat, all at the drop of a hat. External heat changes, internal temperatures fluctuate.

Light and Darkness - dance like someone randomly turning on and off the lights.

It would be virtually impossible to survive, never the less thrive in this environment.

On the contrary, we have professionals that "predict" what the weather patterns will be days, weeks, even months from now, based on "rules" of our atmosphere, our planet, and even our solar system, and because of this, we have certain expectations that give us great freedom to maneuver through the world.

I have played a game called "Rage" that allows the structure of the game to change in the very middle of the game. "Flux" is another game that is played by constantly changing the dynamics of the rules to suit the individual players. Both games cause stress - which is by design - because people want to know the rules, follow the rules, and enjoy the game. Why? Because their is freedom within the parameters of the rules.

Some of you have heard of the game "Mao". It is a game with fixed rules, but the new people to the game have no idea what the rules are. Again, stress cannot be averted easily by the new people, but those that know what the "parameters" are feel a sense of pleasure at the anxiety of the newby's - because freedom lives within parameters.

Even in relationships this is true. Parents that clearly define the rules, enforce the rules, and are consistent with the rules, will find their kids to be generally healthy and happy people. [The rules cannot exist without relationship, but that is for another conversation.] Marriages that have a man and a woman working together within the framework of the rules set out by God find themselves much more fulfilled and satisfied in their relationship as opposed to those that add to, or take away, from the structure God has placed on marriage.

Think about it...

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