Thursday, May 14, 2009

Standing Strong doesn't happen alone!

How does a bridge that was conceived in the mind of a man back in the early 1800's, that was built around 1875 (as dated on the image) still stand today?

Some might say it's strength is in the materials that make up this massive structure. From the "massive granite towers" to the steel cables that are designed to give it stability, but those elements alone do not give it long term "stay ability".

Some might point us to the designer of the bridge that laid out the plans well before the first piece of material was even purchased. Definitely the design of the bridge gives it the strength to endure.

Yet still some might point to the constant maintenance and upkeep of this impressive structure as the reason for it's longevity. And rightfully so, for without the regular evaluations, minor damage could grow to be detrimental.

However, I think all would have to agree that each of these elements is essential for this bridge to stand the test of time.

I would say, though, there is yet another reason why this bridge still stands today.

It was built on something solid. It is supported by something solid, and those supports (to this day) have yet to move. Therefore, the materials, the design, and even the maintenance of this building can continue because the ground on which this bridge is built is sure.

In the same way, if I count on my "good" material, my plans, or even my "maintenance" program to keep myself strong in my walk with God, I am missing the greatest needed assistance to my longevity in my Christianity. My faith is grounded in Christ and His Word, so my original foundation is sure. That being said, there is another part of my walk with God that is essential for durability.

On the foundation of Christ, I have been given supports that enable me to build my faith higher, stretch it out farther, push my faith further. Those supports come in the friendships that God has given me. Dee, David, Karen, Mike, Dee, John, Monica, Wes, Karen, Mike, Linda, Nancy, Judy, Aaron, Matt, Rusty, Todd, Jason... and the list continues. God has given me some close friends to help me be a better husband, to parent my kids well, to minister at my workplace well, to love others, to reach out to others... People who will challenge me. People who will encourage me. People who will tell me when I am wrong! People who love me well!

As you seek to live your life for God, if you desire a long and successful walk with God, evaluate yourself. What are you made of? Be honest - is it "good" material? What have you been designed for? What kinds of "maintenance" do you need to be doing in your life? BUT MOST OF ALL... Who is walking this path along side of you, who knows you well enough to support you well?

If that final question takes a long time to answer, or the list is few, it is time to build some relationships that will give you the depth of strength that you need to stand long term.

Standing Strong does not happen alone!

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