Thursday, September 11, 2014

MT View Baptist Church - Guatemala Trip - Day 5

It’s hump-day, and we are ready to work.  There is much to be done, and we are going to get right on it.  The morning started the same as the others – breakfast, devotions, and then off to work.  Just like yesterday, we started the day by mixing concrete for the wall builders, while others went to work on tying the rebar for the support beams we plan to pour tomorrow.
The day went rather well – everyone was working busily, and when there were “down times” they found things to do to help.  One of those tasks was assigned to John Mark and Taylor.  They were asked to pick up rebar and wood around the facility to make working conditions a little better.  After about an hour or so, John Mark was moved to another task, and Taylor just kept working.  He even decided, on his own, to pick up and pile the rock together.  I was impressed by his consistent steadiness in the task he was asked to do.
Meanwhile, Meredith was at one of the childcare centers working with, and playing with the children.  I am certain she was having a great time.
As lunch rolled around, we had a surprise for Charles.  Today is his 50th birthday, so we asked everyone – including the 4 guatemalan workers we have worked with this week to go to the lunch house early – before Charles. When he came in, I blindfolded him and lead him to the center of the courtyard.  Phil had purchased a Winnie the Pooh piñata and had tied it up for him to hit.  Charles took some swings, but someone (who will remain nameless) was pulling on a rope and keeping the piñata away from his attacks.  Eventually he took Pooh by the leg and held on to him as he “beat the candy” out of him!  It was fun to watch.  After that, we all moved inside for lunch and some cake and ice cream.  It was a great birthday celebration.
While we were eating, it started raining. We weren’t sure we were going back to work, and we had much to do. But shortly after it started, it stopped enough for us to get back to work.  The afternoon was awesome – we got a lot of work done.  But the last hour was the most fun of all (at least for me). We had prepared the wall that the team was building for a concrete cap to go on top.  We formed it out, and it was time to make and distribute the concrete.  We were moving buckets of rocks, water and sand to the mixer (since it included rock, we used the gas powered mixer).  We were taking full buckets of concrete over to the wall to pour inside.  We needed more concrete, so we ran around moving buckets of necessary items to the mixer. It was like a hive of bees – people taking their positions and getting the work done.  It was awesome.
When we finished, we headed back to the hotel for showers – and boy did we need them.  Everyone was dirty.  Well, except Meredith and Sam – they were at the childcare center all day.  It was so bad that when we returned to the van to go out for dinner, it smelled like a locker room.  Yeah, pretty nasty!!  We went to downtown Quetzaltenango and walked around the center square and then went to Pollo Campero for dinner.
We finished the day with a long LONG game of RAGE.  Ten cards down to one card, and then back to ten cards again.  We finished around 11:30.  It has been a great, but very long day. 
Enough for now – it’s definitely bedtime.  More work tomorrow…

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