Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Fellowship Bible Guatemala Trip - Day 5

Back at Las Vistas today – what a blessing that was.  I love the kids and the staff at that school.  We got there around 9 in the morning and visited the classrooms.  I was able to (as always) get the kids a little rowdy by being silly and just having fun with them and the teachers.  It was great to see the kids again – like Ludsvin (our sponsored child), Fernando (I always say I am Fernando and he is me), and many of the other kids.

Our project was to continue working on the wall that the team from Riverside began in February.  I think they will be amazed when they see the pictures.  The wall has been completed – the sidewalk has been put in, and the team today painted the wall.  We are also in the process of leveling the ground, planting bushes, flowers and trees, and will be putting stones on the playground for the kids by the end of the week.

A special event today was something that happened with Ludsvin.  Three different times he left his classroom to give me a paper (and a pencil) that said, “Te amo Padrino Kent  de:Ludsvin”.  We have sponsored Ludsvin since 2009, and for the first time he called me “Padrino” in February.  Padrino is the term the kids use to talk about their sponsor.  It is a term of endearment.  It is a joy to see him smile when he sees me now.  I look forward to him seeing Harrison and Dee again.  I hope it is soon.

In the afternoon we went on house visits.  What a joy it was to see the kid’s families and homes.  The children that we visited today (and we will be visiting more tomorrow and Friday) are sponsored by the team members and the members of their church.  Anyway, as we visited the kids, we brought with us “canastas” or baskets of food and utensils for the home.  The people were very thankful.  One parent even gave Phil a parrot.  I would have loved to be at his home when Jen saw him – I’ll bet she is loving having a squawky bird in their home.

Tomorrow is more of the same – the group is doing well and they are loving the kids well.  Many on the team are dealing with sickness – nothing major, but it is a distraction.  We are praying for healing and health.  All 4 kids we visited today were sick – that really doesn’t help our case in staying healthy.

Enough for tonight – tomorrow is another day to serve God.  I am really blessed to have the privilege to do what I do.  I miss being home, but I know that God has me here now for a reason.

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